could’ve been a stunning photo, and it isn’t BUT no matter what you have something still and it might not be what you excepted but it’s still pretty cool
i don’t have one of these YET but i’m so obsessed with the kinds of pics these produce AND with how it’s literally cutting your film costs in half…
it’s a pre made but also kind of accidental composition like ….hello sick
i loooove to play around with this whenever i’m shooting film. you truly never know how it’ll turn out until everything is developed. every blur and streak is completely unique from one photo to the next.
(here’s a photo i took of michael d’addario at a lemon twigs show)
on a VERY big cyanotype kick lately so I have been plotting and tinkering and wanted to make myself something special and unique so I captured the essence of girlhood aka dumped the contents of my tote bag and printed it ONTO the bag (is this meta - also pls ignore the bleed this is literally only my fifth time doing this)
taking care of yourself is sexy, live music is sexy, taking care of your hearing WHILE listening to live music is extremely sexy
(i forgot my ear plugs last night can you tell i was suffering a bit)
love that i have a camera that lets me do multiple exposures without having to frankenstein the film out of the roll after i’ve finished it (feat. my lovely partner) !!