More of a con film. But has the set up and pay off that you want from a heist film!
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Mar 1, 2024

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my favourite comfort genre. Some of these are actual heist films, some of them feeeeel like heist films if you know what I mean? Soderbergh is the heist king with: Oceans 11 (and 12 and 13 and 8) Logan lucky Kimi Magic Mike like technically isnā€™t a heist film but people pulling together to make a plan against the odds and directed by Soderbergh just feels one. I also think Sorkin films always feel heisty even when they arenā€™t. People talking fast and making plans is what makes a heist great, but Mollyā€™s game is the closest to an actual heist film And itā€™s one of my favs. the film that first got me into Heist films was Entrapment, and then The Great Escape (although is an escape film a heist filmā€¦probably not?) Other greats, some take ā€œheistā€ more or less literally than others! - American Hustle Hustlers The Big Short Fantastic Mr Fox
Mar 1, 2024
I watch this every year around Christmastime. The beginning of the movie is set during Christmas, and thatā€™s kind of enough for me to make it a seasonal treat. Itā€™s also one of my favorite movies for a number of reasons. I never read the book, and I know that itā€™s radically different in many aspects, but Iā€™ve also heard this movie is a great example of condensing and contorting the source material into a feature length film. One thing that stands out to me is that it was a huge awards winner at the time, and Iā€™m not so sure it would even get made nowadays. The characters are all flawed, and corrupt, and preoccupied with climbing the ladder of police politics. But they all have these great redemption arcs, especially Kevin Spacey as Jack Vincennes. Itā€™s really hard to believe there was a time when Academy Award winning movies ended with thrilling shootouts.
Dec 14, 2021
Not the only one to rec this (obviously if youā€™re scrolling), but itā€™s one Iā€™ve looked to a lot while working on some heist movie scripts. I think itā€™s perfectly structured, and I have a whole email in my archives where I break down exactly how it operates for reference. I even own a DVD
Mar 4, 2024

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