You know when you’re at the restaurant and you’re like “wow what a nice pen!” And everyone gets a little kick out of writing with it? buy the $20 pen and give that little kick to people anywhere and not just in the restaurant. Also you never know when you’ll need to write down a rec lol
I make it a habit to pocket one of these bad boys each time I’m out to eat or drink. sadly I am seeing less and less of these pens as the years have progressed - it is more likely to have an iPad screen flipped towards you and pressing a tip button for 25% and I miss these pens so much man
below are some pens collected over the years from bars and restaurants around Austin (sans PDT courtesy of my first ever trip to NYC)
Saw another pen rec and I love to write with erasing pens because everyone compliments my nice writing and then I get to be like “it’s because of this pen it erases“ and then I get to show them
on your own timeline, you’re surrounded by people that are all there for the same thing if you need something to small talk about, easier to get tickets sometimes too. really gives me a thrill lol small venue, stadium, anywhere!
going to try really hard to not say “I feel that [insert statement or thought or criticism]“.
Because whatever follows is not a feeling, and feelings should be described as feelings! it’s a different language set than statements or fleeting thought.
i Feel [emotion]
I think that [statement/thought]