ridley has a broad selection of steel frames designed for gravel bikes. most of their models are “tube framed” which makes the bike look like a vintage bike from the 80s. if you’re looking for a more modern steel frame with a really good gear group (shimano grx) i’d recommend the rose background. but rose also offers an old school steel frame. the model is called hobo and is close to what ridley looks like.
Mar 1, 2024

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Like an old Cadillac, they aren’t the fastest or most efficient, but I’ll be damned if you can find a more stylish or comfortable ride out there than a high end steel bike from the late 80’s or early 90’s. Those old touring and mountain frames are capable of handling almost any conditions and generally simple to repair, highly recommended for a solid commuter or all-rounder. If you know what you’re looking for, sometimes you’ll stumble upon a real steal. My Miyata 615-GT (little sister to the legendary Miyata 1000) shown here came off Craigslist for $200.
Feb 16, 2024
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echoing skiphursh that surly is the move. this is an OLD photo of mine from like 3 years ago when i first had it built (wore out the lavender gravelkings, got black tires now), but this bike was my first big adult purchase after graduating undergrad and it's served me well since as a general use rider. would go out and do 20-30 miles regularly on mixed pavement/gravel. the frame is super easy to customize for like bottle cages or front/back racks, fits a good range of tire sizes, and is crazy durable, this thing is a tank. designed with touring in mind too. cons would be weight since it's a steel fixed-frame, so don't expect to be lugging this with ease if you're touring fully loaded. not sure the exact weight but surly's site has all the specs. also on the fixed frame it can be a bit of a bumpy ride without shocks but i like feeling in tune with the bike or whatever, and a good saddle mitigates this IMO.
Feb 29, 2024
I have an old steel frame and it feels great riding around the city. Grab something used off craigslist. One of the best $200 i ever spent.
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