It changed how I think about men and sex a lot and it’s so funny. there is definitely a lull about 2/3rds in and it gets pretty experimental. I recommend just sticking through the first half of the stories in that section and if you don’t like then movie on since some of the ones at the end are great.
Mar 1, 2024

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well-written article analyzing cronenburg's films and contrasting them with today's sexual politics and lack of eroticism. passage i enjoyed: In fact, we are not impermeable packages of preformed desires, importing our likes and dislikes around with us from one encounter to the next like papers in a briefcase. An erotic craving is inextricable from the ferment that foams up when oneself is sluiced into another. Not only is it impossible for us to know whether an encounter will be deflating or transformative but we cannot know what sort of metamorphosis will ensue if the sex is as jarring as we can only hope it will be. 
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This was a truly horrid thought I had the other day when I was walking over the river while marveling at the water, the city lights, cars, and people. Scrolling and walking do have similarities and realizing this was valuable to me. Scrolling simulates visual stimuli moving across our field of vision as we navigate a digital landscape. Taking a walk outside, making dinner, talking to a friend in person, or even just wandering around my apartment have all worked to minimize scrolling urges for me. They all also tend to involve the movement of my visual field with constant new stimuli. Its also important to note that none of these tasks require intensive demands to focus attention. If I want to doom scroll I probably want to relax my brain from concentrated attention while engaging in a repetitive task. Just walking around my apartment is better than scrolling and often more realistic than reading. Finding ways to relax and procrastinate without using screens may seem counter-intuitive but I think it gives me more freedom. Plus I have never regretted going on a walk.
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