Gonna start doing this more
Mar 1, 2024

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You should only do this if you’re really feeling sorrow for your sins, otherwise I wouldn’t recommend. But if you do - you’re gonna wanna get a MUJI notebook, pray a lot and write down basically every bad thing you can remember doing (or that you’ve done since the last time you went to confession) Then go tell a validly ordained priest and get back in the state of grace. Don’t think too obsessively about how everything you do is wrong, cus that’s called “scrupulosity” and its actually an impediment to grace. But don’t be too easy on yourself and think everything is OK because you’re basically good and haven’t done anything “really bad” because there’s not one person alive who is without sin so what makes you so great? Once you do this you might feel an impulse to be really proud of yourself, inevitably leading you right back to - you guessed it - sin. You’ll be shocked how quickly you can fall from grace, but the good news is you can do more penance if you really love God and he actually loves you too and totally wants you to be sanctified.
Mar 24, 2022
recommendation image
And forgiving. As soon as you recognize that you’re in the wrong, regardless of if you feel sorry, apologize. And as soon as a hatchet is surrendered, bury it. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Ask for mercy, ask for grace. Seventy times seven. Remember how much you’ve been forgiven. Make it right with your friend, with your enemy, with yourself, with God.
Jan 3, 2025

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