im reading this book wrote by David Byrne (talking heads). There is a chapter where Byrne talk about the time he used to work with Brian Eno for ; "my life in the bush of ghosts" which is a full experimental project composed with recorded voices from tv, politician speeches, African and middle eastern rythmes, they experimented with dictaphones etc. A controlled patchwork of sounds and voices. I think this piece is very interesting and it's also a great reminder that you don't necessary need a structure to follow for your own work. take it, change it and just experiment as far as you can. It's the same thing with collage (and every art forms) just print your images and try different combinaison until you find the right one !
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Mar 2, 2024

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How Music Works by the Talking Heads frontman, David Byrne, is a super engaging deep dive into the foundational aspects of what actually makes us consider music as music, the ever-changing and subjective process of music creation, and the transcendent power that music holds within different cultures. Sprinkled in between are passionate excerpts of Byrne's music journey as part of the Talking Heads and how different music from a variety of countries has influenced his own style. The thing I appreciate about this book and most non-fiction is that you can pick it up, read a few pages and then return to it a few days or weeks later. Though the book packs a lot of information, it reads more like a personal essay than just a bunch of facts about music history being thrown at you.
Sep 23, 2024
I bought this cd a while back. Being someone who casually listened to Talking Heads but never took the time to listen to David‘s solo work, this entire album was a surprise. The best way I can describe it is those pre-911 utopian scholastic books. Get what I mean? - Davyn
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I'm working on a new short animated movie about perception and how your brain can imagine how things work with sensorial experience interpretation, which is my way to produce animations and art and I lost myself into neuroscientist lexicon, this word caught my mind : agnosia; inability to interpret sensations and hence to recognize things, which is crazy -cause it would be mean that everything is a unique sensitive experience which would come out of a simple concept and name. This kind of mind could have such a singular way to experiment life despite a more traditional communication problem through naming. If you have a knowledge about it, please share, ill pay close attention
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love treating my shelves like an indie bookstore! the owner has fantastic taste and everything’s free
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This album is great as hell!!!
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