this is a surprise to absolutely no one, but i love Duster i listen to stratosphere every time im on an amtrak
Mar 2, 2024

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Beat by Bowery Electric is a personal favorite Amtrak album
Mar 3, 2024
years ago a friend sent me a review of this album that a teen wrote on some music forum and I love going back to it from time to time. dug it up and it still gives me the same feeling. “the weather's getting better and the sun doesn't set for a long time but it doesn't really help anything. summer's coming and I have no hope for it. every year I go into summer thinking that it's going to Rock My Life but every summer I end up sitting alone in my room listening to music and sometimes venturing outside my house to meet up with the one person I could call a friend. this is the soundtrack to mowing the lawn, to laying in your bed face down 2 in the afternoon, to drinking lukewarm lemonade sitting on some bench somewhere looking at something. no one likes to be sad for 53 minutes so they put "Echo, Bravo" in here s you could feel hopeful for 4 minutes 32 seconds, then "Constellations" comes back around and you're sad again. this album is the best slowcore album I've ever heard because it's not good. there's maybe five good songs on here. the rest is just luxuriant, sad, but not depressed; it's disappointed. I don't need to feel depressed forever, disappointment is a much better feeling, I guess. the first day I get out of school I'll give this album a spin. the last day before I go back to school I'll give this album a spin and it'll feel the exact same”
Mar 2, 2024

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this site is pro sincerity
Dec 15, 2023
tomorrow PI.FYI launches to the public this project is the result of thousands of hours spent coding everything from scratch after I got laid off six months ago no thiel-bucks or weirdo outsider money, just a pure desire to make something fun and true to Perfectly Imperfect’s day one goal of helping people find new things from real human beings, not algorithms or AI a pure labor of love that I’ve been quietly plotting for two years and it’s completely self-funded from my (rapidly) dwindling savings account so thank you for coming along for this weird ride 🫶 let's see where it goes
Jan 21, 2024