wild, wacky, weird and out of no where. here is a recent set of messages sent throughout the course of a single day, and owing to my poor responding, still lack a reply: Can I use your sewing kit pls x What date is the funeral xx I really like the conditioner you know x Would it be crazy if I went on a drive Just to listen to music Bean text me when you wakeup so I can congratulate you x Love you! x
Mar 4, 2024

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hi hello it's me, the little dude in social hibernation. i highly recommend texting your friends back something small if ur not down for a full out convo. here is a list of things we have sent to each other in the past week: - screenshot of howl (of howl's moving castle) - miffy bagu drop news - song lyrics screenshot - tumblr post - spicy hot instant ramen pic - reminder that spring is coming 🌷
the closest thing you have to sending a letter across an ocean and waiting longingly for your lover, dear friend, business associate to respond. you can draft and edit and unsend and they will only have the remnants of the data left behind in the morning. “edited at 3:42AM“ is your crossed out writing and your last text is sincerely or love.
Jan 23, 2024
you’re all discombobulated and a little confused and yet your mind still conjures me ??? and that you simply must message ??? how sweet! how darling! yes i will listen intently even if most of it is akin to nonsense. i love you too. granted there’s gonna be weirdos who drunk text you and it’s el creepo but the other instances are great. how lucky i am to be a person you wanna talk to even when you have no idea where you are 💜
Feb 17, 2025

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do you really need to know if someone is TYPING?!! that buzz buzz buzz does my head in; like literally grates my brain. seek your info, don't get it fed to you. you don't always have to be in the know.
Jan 29, 2024
just a reminder if you're feeling like a change but feel incapable of one/ stifled by your present life.
Nov 2, 2024
for many many reasons: one hilarious franchise, many excellent indie flicks, an ethereal girlfriend, general looks... but MOST NOTABLY in recent days the fact that he somewhat caused the making of Oppenheimer as gave Christopher Nolan a copy of American Prometheus as a wrap gift on Tenet. mentalism.
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