Get specific with them! I like subdividing all of the media I enjoy because it makes me feel in control of my life and makes the movie easier to find.
-good movies about love
-bad movies about love
-sports movies
-movies I saw in the theater
-top 100
-douchey film bro
-associated with good memories
-movies I’ve seen with my best friend
-starring women
-movies about children/teenagers
-my dad’s favorites
Maybe this makes me weird and obsessive, but it fills my time. My real life may be a mess but my digital profiles will not. I apply similar methods with music, saved posts on social media, and my camera roll. Can you tell I love Pinterest???
i love apps like this for keeping these types of lists. i usually add things that friends recommend for me or someone talks about in the criterion closet lol.
also <3 goodreads for my want to read list.
Letterboxd for my movies, for my music, and my journal for books (bc goodreads is annoying). I love having a little time capsule of the things I've been into over the years. Anyways follow me if you want to know what perfect taste is
I love letterboxd. It’s a movie rating and reviewing platform. anyone can write a review which is pretty cool. I love writing little reviews on there as well. you can also make specific lists of films or follow other people’s lists.
Ruby Sparks, Swiss Army Man, The Batman, Beach Boys bio-pic. He has a great career.
He was everyone’s white boy of the month but he’s my white boy for eternity.