In accordance with the Kar-Jenner global agenda, capitalistic cycle and general hatred of women fomented by American culture, looking extremely skinny and gaunt is back in fashion. For most bodies, achieving this look necessitates caloric restriction which is painful, addictive and sucks from life all its glory and joy. It also, over time, leaves people with anxiety around normal social stuff, like going to restaurants and eating in front of friends. As someone who wasted way too many years of my life feeling this particular brand of anxiety, I am here to tell you, it’s not worth it. Kate Moss said nothing tastes as good as skinny feels, but she was wrong. Nothing tastes as good as freedom from obsessing about food feels. Also emaciation makes you look old and weak. Also if you are restricting to address areas of stubborn fat, you are running a fool’s errand. Liposuction is for areas of stubborn fat. It removes fat cells permanently, is an easy to finance outpatient procedure, and many places don’t even put you to sleep for it.