It's basically just an analog notes app, but it's something separate from your phone that allows for a little more disconnection from technology. Plus, it's tangible. So you can have a visual representation of the amount of thoughts or ideas that you've had over time. You'll have a collection of mini books that you can go back through and see where your mind has been. I'm about to finish my third little guy, and it's fun to have a collection of pages that represents my ingenuity and reminds me of memories I've forgotten. Sometimes I make myself laugh when I go back through or I contemplate something I said or I disagree with a comment I made a while back, or I feel inspired to rehash something I'd written.
Today I went back through and found a drawing I don't remember doing. I found a short grocery list from who knows when. I found a bunch of ideas I want to go back to. I found these comments too: "A vape is sitting on the subway seat next to me. Should I hit it and see what happens?" and "I'm on the six early in the morning and just watched a homeless man light another homeless man's crack pipe. Sharing is caring."