the comfort in the ebb and flow, the cyclical nature of it all
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Mar 5, 2024

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oh my god I loved this comic + forgot all about it
Jan 30, 2025
YES yay love it
Mar 5, 2024

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I've been thinking about this for the past 24hrs I think we go through seasons, naturally Of desiring, and being desired, A pendulum back and forth Ebbs and flows I often seek connection And some days bask in it Remembering each during the other Makes the cycle less jarring
Feb 29, 2024
if it’s a big deal right now, it won’t be soon, but the thing that isn’t, will be.
Can’t pigeon hole people. I can hold ten thousand identities and feelings at once. Today I was overwhelmed with the world and my place in it. it all seemed too big and confusing. We live in such heated times where our identities are put on trial. it’s hard to embrace who you are when you are constantly confronting yourself. There seems to be little comfort or sense in any of it. Then in this online world I’m flooded with every bit if information possible and it keep putting my brain in overdrive. I seem to be loosing myself in it. But then again Buddism comes through with its view of the self. Fluid and forever changing. Their is no defined or definite self we are our environments and everything we have ever learned and been a part of. This lack of constant on my being seems to calm the confusion on who I am or who I am supposed to be. I am fluid and forever changing. All I ask of myself is to embrace this, open myself up to this world and explore whatever I can.
Dec 8, 2024

Top Recs from @pratibha

i love that our seemingly high-tech phones still cannot do the job of capturing the moon‘s ethereal essence. it’s so humbling and vulnerable to attempt to take a photo of her and have it come out all ugly and orb-like. it’s literally none of ur business to see what she looks like anytime apart from the present moment! (and please don’t tell me if samsung or google pixel have invented technology to do a better job of this. it wouldn’t sit right with me… like trying to sneakily undress a woman without her consent when she has explicitly stated she’d rather remain demurely clothed and mysterious)
Mar 17, 2024
it's like.... kind of insane that we (not me, of course) made the internet to be any other way. imagine if the real world were algorithmic... how kooky would that be?? you'd only ever talk to people who've already gotten a thumbs up from 10,000 other people that they're cool and worthy of being heard and it would be super weird and parasocial bc everybody else would be trying to get their attention too. and maybe you'd only be able to see people like in that episode of Black Mirror w Jon Hamm where some ppl are crystal clear in color and others are blurred out and grey and inaccessible to you. well, that's what an algorithmic internet feels like!!!! and it's terrible! i like being able to post on here whenever a thought softly lands in my head and know whoever happens to refresh their page or hop onto the app when i hit SHARE will be able to see it right away... it's the beauty of your words being seen at the right time with no filters or algorithms shoving u into a corner.....and being able to see others in the same way <3
Feb 6, 2024