I only saw her perform twice, but I honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone else live more than once (though I obviously would like to see a lot of them live again). At least I can say one of the times I saw her was her very first US performance 🥹💔
i’ve seen her and her band 4 times over the years…i make an effort to see her anytime she’s in nyc bc it’s such a beautiful experience.
she’s got such a good stage presence and vocals, her band is immensely talented, and they all always have great chemistry. the shows honestly feel very therapeutic to me (all shows do but this is something special). she also picks some really cool openers and i’ve discovered a lot of good music that way. she’s left the crowd in awe on multiple occasions. hoping to see her again someday soon bc i know it won’t disappoint.
Saw her when she opened for Clairo in Oct 2019, when she opened for Halsey in May 2022 (we didn’t stay for Halsey…), Beabadobee tour Nov 2022, and when she opened for Taylor Swift in Apr 2023 😭 I didn’t realize how many times I’ve seen her until now
I’ve been obsessed with Lianne since high school. Her music is so beautiful and she sounds Unreal live. She played at a jazz festival near me not too long ago but I couldn’t go. I realllly hope I get to see her someday.
As far as Laura goes: I know she said she’ll never tour but a girl can dream. 😔♥️
A master at writing genre fiction as literary fiction. Multiple narratives, stellar characters, a time-hopping, pre- and post-apocalyptic plot, and a killer miniseries adaptation to watch once you’re finished