I prefer my water to have a little bit of flavor. Now I didn’t say anything about freezing cold, I didn’t mention any ice; Just cold, refreshing water.
I’ve been on the hunt for a few home decor pieces lately and I am NOT settling for second best or spending a lot! It is fun to go to the thrift and look through the home section real quick and leave. When it takes 10 tries to find what i am looking for i feel so much more appreciative of owning it! If I’m not willing to work for my stuff it is not something I need!!!
Having something you do solely for yourself and being able to create something uniquely yours feels so good! I feel so productive when I use my free time creating instead of doing mindless nonsense
I got my wisdom teeth out last week so I was not able to eat normally and let me tell you pudding is SO FIRE!! There are so many flavors it’s like eating straight frosting with less guilt. Am I the only one who forgot about this delicacy?