with a few characteristics/facts of people that I meet who I think could be consequential or I will see them again - so that when I see them again, I can use their name right away. I also do what s0phleb0 does upon first meeting!
Mar 6, 2024

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yes! I do know my favorite animal, song, album, snack, fruit, and actor. But not off the top of my head!
Aug 30, 2024
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this is something I started doing when I lived in NY, vastly increased doing when I moved to LA, and now wish Iā€™d started doing sooner basically, I keep a list in my notes app and every time I recognize a celebrity in public (of any variety, A-Z list), Iā€™ll add their name to it. I started in 2019 and Iā€™m now up to 129 people (!) as it grew, I broke names into categories: 1. actors & hollywood related sightings (filmmakers, reality tv stars, etc) 2. music related sightings (excluding an artist at their own concert/not the same as a concert log) 3. spotted at an event or somewhere expected (for ex: at a q&a, in a meeting, accepting an award, at a live-taping, a party etc etc) 4. ā€œbig on the internetā€ (aka the micro celebs and tiktokers like james charles and harry daniels) 5. honorable mentions & the ultra niche (for ex: jeremy meeks & jojo siwaā€™s car) itā€™s fun to revisit & update as i grow older and have more encounters. here are a few of mine, i love that they each have a story:
Feb 17, 2025

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Shoot! Sorry I missed your call, Iā€™m in moon mode.
Apr 20, 2024
These are my favorite food (only slight hyperbole). I recommend, in no order: -Kettle brand -Kettle brand air fried -7/11 -Lay's Kettle Cooked These chips are so strong that they will burn your tongue. They are chemical perfection that make the systems in my body dance. They are so rock and roll. No matter what size the bag, I will probably finish the bag. I always eat the folded ones first, and then move to the unfolded ones.
Jan 31, 2024
If youā€™re within an hour walk from home, you should just walk home. I understand taking public transit or an Uber there to be on time, but youā€™re not rushing to get home. Thus, walk.
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