she fucking rocks if you like Throbbing Gristle/Chris & Cosey you’ll enjoy this Fuzzy, hymnal vocals layered and weaved effortlessly into field recordings
Mar 6, 2024

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It's haunting and melancholy but very passionately performed. If you like Christine and the Queens, Holly Humberstone, or Holly Herndon for that matter, you'll dig this probably (but put through a Celtic filter). Came out in April and I keep returning to it. Especially "Life of the Forbidden," "Wee Rosebud," "Into This, Called Lonliness," and the closing track "S.O.S. Song of the Sword" is VERY on the Kate Bush tip.
Jul 12, 2024
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Vocalist Patty Waters straddles approaches that are something like a lounge jazz and a vocal avant-gardism, singing to stripped down instrumentals playing familiar then dissonant intervals, often ones that feel just slightly off of what you expect—the effect is something like holding an old photograph in your hand and noticing the material distortions. What sounds sentimental in a Nat King Cole or King Moody croon, becomes haunting or grin under Patty Water’s command. I especially get that effect from this album, College Days, in which her voice warmly vibrates at the center, with the instruments falling into the background. It’s perfect rainy day music from her, but this album also has a lot of her screaming and using her voice in a remarkable way, it definitely draws comparison to someone like Meredith Monk, where breathe voice and tone become their own force. This track Wild is the Wind is the noisiest and reminds me of Arthur Russell at some points. Reccomend if you like: Joan La Barbera, Bjork, Shelley Hirsch, Fiona Apple, Meredith Monk.
Jan 9, 2024
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Liz Harris – the one-woman, do-it-all singer/songwriter/musician who essentially IS Grouper – is the sound of someone disappearing before your very eyes; an ache with no underlying injury; a whisper from an unseen voice. Such is the ephemeral ghostliness of her music, an intensely private form of expression captured within a very public context. If you took My Bloody Valentine’s layered collage of sounds and applied Low’s 4AD ambient acoustic surface to them (vs. Kevin Shields’ concussive, punishing feedback waves), you might be approaching the outer rings of Grouper’s orbit. "On dreams I'm moving through heavy water/ The love is enormous, it's lifting me up/ I'd rather be sleeping." Druggy, sexy, arty, pretty, but never pretentious. The sound of the waking dream.
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