arrival of the beebox, lady lazarus, the applicant (plath), heart condition (jehrico brown), miss july grows older (margaret atwood), a martian sends a postcard home (craig raine), i remember (stevie smith) stop me bcos i could go on and on and on
definitely read book of longing if you haven’t already!
this whole series of poems is absolutely beautiful and obscene, that it’s hard to pick one.
so here’s one of my many favourites:
•Blackberrying - Sylvia Plath
•Honorary Jew - John Repp
•How Delicious to Say It - Vievee Francis
•Mountain Dew Commercial Disguised as a Love Poem - Matthew Olzman
•The Smiley Barista Remembers my Name- Wo Chan
•Three Mangoes, £1 - Kandace Siobham Walker
•The Orange - Wendy Cope
•Departure - Jennifer Huang
•I Invite My Parents to a Dinner Party - Chen Chen
•Green Eggs and Ham - Doctor Seuss
the old-fashioned way, like you would before the entire internet was monopolised into basically three conglomerates. why would you spend all your time on your computer swapping between instagram tiktok youtube pinterest when you could find some of the coolest websites you've never heard about learning information your algorithm would never feed to you!!!!
a good place to start is your favourite artist's websites (not just musicians!) sometimes they have blogs (especially if they're writers) and often they link websites they like.
I also like magazine websites - the face, angel food, hot literati
or craigslist missed connections. I check the new york section all the time