online personas are so temporary but easily fall into a rut of being one particular way. does NOT have to be this way. change your profile pic, change your handle, change your bio, change how you post and what you post. spring clean your online life
> make a new email
> make new accounts on places like pinterest & tumblr
> change the covers of your music playlists
> curate a new youtube algorithm on a fresh account
> curate a new tiktok algorithm on a fresh account
a few free ways to "start over with life" that don't challenge who you are as a person, nor ask you in interact with anyone in a way that betrays who you are
Always thinking about what to post. Perform those persona for content. Your selfhood and persona might blend together, but the dopamine hit from like is worth it!
Open your social media profiles to public scrutiny and confront the global stage like a grown up. Embrace your digital footprint, and hold on to it steadfastly with pride.