By paper rose haiku (aka field medic)
It's an earworm if there ever was one, the perfect mix of emo, soundcloud rap, and country - full of both darkness and whimsy.
hailing from Amsterdam, Dak is the best roaster in the game. Seriously cannot go wrong with them. Espresso, drip, cold brew, doesn’t matter.
served daily in Chinatown, SF. First cup is on me if you’re around HMU
the only game I’ll describe as both good and chill
i don’t want to spoil it but you will find things, you will hike, you will fly, and you will laugh
Available everywhere games can be played
i was team no case for so long until I finally dropped my phone…
Enter Arc Pulse. best of both worlds. It looks awesome, available in black and color match for all the latest iPhones. plus I’ve dropped it from serious heights onto the street many times, phone is safe and sound.
Hold you phone in all its glory while keeping it safe.