Originally found these in a store while travelling in Lisbon - I had to have them. Very appropriately priced, and the longevity!! I really want another pair but have zero reason to replace mine yet because the cushion is still so cushion-y. They are so fun! Colourful! And unique! So many awesome models to choose from. And to top it off, my last name is Hoffer so when friends initially noticed me wearing these shows with “HOFF” across the back they all thought I had bought custom personalized sneakers 🥲🩵 dw not all of them say Hoff in size 64 font
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Mar 8, 2024

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It’s definitely not a (typical?) running sneaker but Hear me out ! I was looking for a new shoe, not a heel or fun thrifty thing, but smth I could wear all the time apart from my docs. I have old running sneakers and have used them for a few yrs now (they’re fine and good.. no issues) whenever I go on runs But I found out about Keen through Viv Chen’s substack - she recommended these for just having a good trusty and cool looking sneaker that are also used for Hiking! So I was like. Yeah I do walk a lot and I like the look of a cool sneaker let’s do it. and then I started wearing them to soccer, just wanted to see how they’d feel/if they were comfortable on the pitch etc. and 1. They were totally fine, felt like I was wearing running shoes and 2. I got many many compliments! I honestly can’t wear these anywhere without getting at least one compliment on them. They’re a hit!! And now I’ve been going on runs with them and they feel great. So I highly suggest investing in a pair o these😌🫧🙏🏼. Theres lots of colorway options too - I got these cuz I like writing with a purple pen so.. purple laces it is!
Apr 30, 2024
Ok these are spendy but I see you are in Canada + they are priced the best here (they do 1:1 CAD to USD so you don’t get that American reverse discount). I recently bought a pair after being recommended by both marianoleonczik and seiji and they are the single best shoe purchase I have maybe ever made. They have a nice wide toe box and a good grippy sole which I am appreciating very much. However the 001s don’t have much padding at the heel cup which may not be great if you’re prone to blistering around your achilles. They might make you look like a hypebeast (derogatory) but maybe worth it if like me you are famously hard on your shoes and need a runner to fill basically every conceivable role at once.
Jul 14, 2024
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I’m an avid collector of fun shoes. If it’s interesting and fits my style I’ll wear it. I’m not usually into bright colors but I’ll let this orange slide lol. (pun fully intended!) I think these are from SHEIN. I personally wouldn’t know bc I don’t shop there. (I usually thrift from market days) But they have that SHEIN vibe abt them. [side note… I don’t shave my legs bc it irritates my skin. so hairy 30yr old male college student will hafto do. No hate to hairy men!]

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Mar 4, 2024
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the first run in new sneakers is always crappy. Terrible. Twist my ankle a dozen times, feel like im on stilts, barely have any control. But the second run?! I feel like i am invincible! running at the speed of light!! Even though after the run i check and my pace was totally flat 🤬🤬but still, i feel so much better when getting into new shoes, run efforts feel so much easier. My new asics novablast 3s arrived earlier this week and yes i know they are butt ugly but this model is my favourite and its the only colour they had in my size on sale. Just look at the cushion on those puppies!!
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