For Boston, here are some music recs. A lot has changed as far as food, shops, etc. so I'll leave that up to other folks to weigh in. For NH and into Maine, it depends on how far north you're going. The NH and Southern Maine seacoasts are amazing, but Acadia National Park is kind of the crown jewel of coastal hiking/sightseeing. Mt. Major in NH is one of the best effort-to-payoff hikes around. Portsmouth, NH is great for walking around and popping into random shops and restaurants. Portland, ME has some of the best food in the country, but there are too many places to even list (Duckfat is a long-standing classic.) If you have more specific spots or interests, I can add more details!
Mar 8, 2024

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It’s just the best. I’m chock-full of specific recs for this wonderful place if you want them. It’s beautiful and bite-sized!
Mar 13, 2024
i went to school in maine! a lot of the coastal towns (rockland, camden specifically) are really cute and fun to drive through during the off-season. much more peaceful… portland is also great - was recently there and went to the Washington St Baths (like a spa with pools at different temperatures) which was a divine experience. also much better coffee in portland than anywhere else in the NE (including Boston)
Mar 15, 2024
Most of the good restaurants can’t be had a day in advance. They have a good whiskey bar I forgot the name of and breweries. It’s a good walk around to begin with. There’s great museums as well.
Jun 29, 2024

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