there's science behind it but who cares. tiktok. look it up. my dream in life is to have a red light bed in my house. i have other dreams but this is a big one.
My roommate switched out our bulb, so now we have a red LED in the bathroom that I turn on for showering. It is a gorgeous & relaxing event. If you play Sade you’ll feel like you’re in an early 00s big city romance film.
- white wine consumed in a public setting between the hours of 12-4p
- chisme-driven phone calls/voice notes w the homegirls
- soft knits!!!!!!
- mid-day face washing
step 1: turn off all artificial lighting
step 2: light 2-4+ tealights/votive candles (white preferred)
step 3: water must be slightly hotter than avg.
step 4: post-shower routine must be slow and deliberate
bonus points for a shower beer or sparkling water