been feeling really uncool and uninspired with my clothing, so last night I tried on loads of outfits, figuring out different combinations and stylings. i took photos of every combination I liked, so I can never say “I have nothing to wear”. It was really fun and I felt good about myself and my wardrobe. Instantly stopped me wanting to buy anything new. I highly recommend it!
Mar 10, 2024

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i really lost my sense of personal style for a couple years. i found that going to a store and grabbing a bunch of shit to try on can be super fun and helpful when getting your mojo back that way. getting to take a real look at yourself in the clothes really helps you envision what they’d look like with the rest of your wardrobe. you’ll see what you love, and what’s not for you. the best part about it is surprising yourself when something you didn’t think you’d like actually makes you feel really good! going to the stores to try things on is free and can be a fun date with friends! have a real movie makeover moment if you wish. the biggest thing that got me excited about dressing myself again tho was identifying the pieces that i absolutely adore in my wardrobe and utilizing them as much as possible. i love finding new ways to style the same jacket or dress or whatever. that’s even better than buying something new because you already love the piece and it already fits your style!
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Did it for the first time this week! Suddenly quick thrown on outfits look purposeful and cool. You start caring about the colour of your socks. Great to look at what you actually wear vs what you wish you wore and figure out your style better. it made me realise that I actually like my wardrobe and don’t need to buy more. No one has to see them, unless you want.
Apr 7, 2024
recommendation image
I wanted to develop my personal style more so I started taking pictures of every outfit I wore outside of the house (even the ones that I thought were bad/ugly). I made an album of my favourite outfits to scroll through when I need inspo from my own closet. This eventually helped me shop less because I could see what I already owned and enjoyed. From there I could see how certain pieces fit me and what pieces I really liked on myself. It also highlights what kinds of items are missing from my closet. Scrolling through also just helped me find something to wear that I would feel good in when I had a bad mental health day.
Jan 18, 2025

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is gig etiquette dead? Don’t go to a gig if you wanna just talk to your mates! go to a pub it’s what they’re for!
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