Hyperdrama?¿ incognito didn’t really scratch my brain the way I hoped for but I still have a lot of hope for the rest of the album.
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Mar 11, 2024

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i saw justice for the first time at coachella this year and it was such a magical set. they are the ultimate vibe curators. 🕴🏻 since it’s release, i have had hyperdrama on repeat. it truly has the perfect balance of electronic chaos and soft romantic sounds. i listen to it when i drive and pretend i’m in a gaspar noe film. + the features are elite — connan mockasin, thundercat, the flints, and tame impala (of course). fav tracks: -neverender -generator -incognito -mannequin love -explorer -the end
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Last night went exactly as planned. About 70-80ish people in one space together, dancing enjoying the sounds from the Dj’s and each others company. Love was in the air. Ethan and I spun our best set yet (I think) and we even paused at 12:00am to wish Adam a Happy birthday - he was anxious about the attention at first but he quickly overcame and began to smile as we all sang to him. We made our way to Winnie’s around 2:15 and did exactly as I said - Stella Artois, vodka cran and I think someon had a modelo(?) we sang Take it or Leave it by the strokes and closed the night out with Radioheads Creep (duh!) Celebrate with your friends any chance you get, celebrate life, celebrate promotions, celebrate love.
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