This is a recent personal quest slash experiment. I think it stemmed out from having a lot of time alone (long distance relationships, looking for a new job, changing seasons). First, I was curious if I was in love. And if I could fall in love with myself. I think mostly, that sounds narcissistic but I mean it in the way, you would see yourself in the best light, the way we would when we fall in love with someone. The closest is self-love but that sounds passive. I wanted to know if I could experience the "falling in" part. https://www.healthline.com/health/fall-in-love-with-yourself-again#1.-Hit-the-road-alone-
Mar 11, 2024

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First, I was curious if I was in love. And if I could fall in love with myself. I think mostly, because I have been told that I am down on myself. But "being in love" with yourself is narcissistic. Yet, we don't see it that way when we are in love with someone else. Fundamentally, we don't have great relationships with ourselves. What if we could practice the "falling in" part. You would see yourself in the best light, the way we would when we fall in love with someone. The closest is self-love but that sounds passive. Trying to chart the steps: - My appreciation and wonder of creation had brought me on a journey for the Designer/Architect/Creator. - Looking through those lens to see myself. - Focus on the weird but beautiful bits - so odd but interesting! - but why, how - ok wow RINSE and REPEAT
Mar 11, 2024
A little personal, but being non-binary, I grew up very dissociated from my body and my time, so I don’t remember a good chunk of my formative years and have retained none of my hobbies. Recently tho, I have been trying to piece myself back together, so I have been spending a lot of time on my own. Another thing about me is that I have crushes everywhere I go, so I spend a lot of time loving others. After breaking-up with an ex that made me feel very neglected qnd unappreciated, I decided that I was going to give myself as much love and attention as I give my crushes and lovers. This has changed me. I just let myself feel my feelings and get carried away by them. I get myself little treats and flowers, I get myself little treats and gifts. I organize little fun dates/plans for myself where I engage in new hobbies. Small manageable things that don’t feel too overwhelming to learn, like decorating Altoids tins with collage or journaling. By letting myself navigate the world through my feelings, I’ve discovered what I like, dislike, and developed little rituals and habits that I can then tell other about and share. Social media has helped me that way, surprisingly. I treat my instagram like a scrap book and use it to document my feelings with shitposts and photos; the visual story telling makes me appreciate the little things. Pinterest allows me to collect things I like and develop a taste with no effort and no consequences, and I end up with huge pin boards full of pictures and art I love and that make me feel particular things I can name and explore. This app has been good for that too. It takes time, love, self-compassion, and trust. Trust that the love others give you is legitimate. Trust that you are liked for a genuine reason. Trust that the mundane is magical by itself, love it for that. Trust that you don’t need to be special to be worthy of love, you can just be a person and that’s really cool <3
Mar 11, 2024
I’ve been used to suppressing myself my whole life that i find it difficult to know how im actually feeling or what im actually thinking sometimes. It made it harder to love myself or do things that are good for me. But i always knew how to show love and care to others around me. i realized (quite recently) that i can show the same love and care if i treat myself like another person. I’ll just be sitting down listening to her(me) for a long time, no judgement. It’s a seemingly simple act, but something i havent made the space for until now
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The puffin is the latest addition to more than 180 known species—many of them sharks, corals, and other marine animals—that emit a luminous glow. The fact that so many marine animals biofluoresce "tells us organisms are using light in ways we don't even see," John Sparks, curator of fishes at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City.
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I read that happiness is when your expectations falls below the reality. A new mind project for April. Good prognosis.
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