Been meaning to read this for years. Zora Neale Hurston is a trailblazer in the true sense of the word. You can’t help but find comfort in how she describes the world, even when handling heavier topics.
This one’s for the real yearners…
This is the year of perspective to me and I think this book is an interesting one! ICL Miss Hurston lost me a little bit with the Jody witch doctor thing but now thats hes 💀 I kinda see where shes going.
by Toni Morrison
Her treatment of time is so beautiful and lyrical. She pulls U into the past and it’s like being swept away by a current or a riptide + I often didn’t notice it happening until I was well in it.
It’s a beautiful + harrowing read. I genuinely could not put it down (ended up finishing it in a day). Cried many times. Best thing I’ve read so far this year.
I like this photo of a bird I took last spring because of the way he is framed in the tree branches, and how fleeting and fragile the moment felt. I think it was on Fuji Superia or Portra 400, don’t remember