The famous (for househeads) "Uno, dos, tres, cuatro" sample in this yuge NYC anthem comes from Man Parrish's 1983 electro cover of Gil Scott-Heron's "In the Bottle".
Mar 11, 2024

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💿 Nobody likes it when a DJ messes up what the beginning of a bar is on a track during a transition: everybody gets confused and doesn't know which beat to follow. Ironically, everyone loves when a track makes room for this to happen on purpose, just like this one does. The vocal goes on and on and on without a beat, and by the time you think you know what you're grooving to, you're taken for a ride when the rest of the arrangement kicks in. I also have a soft spot for jangly filtered guitars and that compressed, plugged-nose sounding bass tone. For more of that disorienting feeling, also try Daft Punk - Prime Time of Your Life (Para One Remix).
Jan 30, 2024
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💿 It's a perfectly serviceable house track at the start, it's got that classic little bongo pattern backing it, the keys are pleasant, the bass is well-mixed, whatever. You've already heard every instrument in the track by the time the breakdown has kicked in. But something funny happens in the drop that elevates the track. It's like my favourite house track ever for this ONE THING: the vocal refrain, "don't stop, you're moving me" is slightly rearranged. And that's all it takes! My life clicks into place and I start violently jumping around. Damien and Olivier Sellier made the original track as United Friends of Funk, and Damien made the remix as Hyde Park Corner for VOX records, which was a side-label to the Vertigo dance music label. VOX is full of nice house tracks, and I highly recommend Damien's other records for the label under the pseudonym "Damiao Da Silva" for his two "Brazilian Studizel" releases. The Selliers would then go on to form the label Dynamic Recordings a few years later, which is also worth checking out.
Jan 27, 2024

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Finally saw this for the first time (on 35mm thxx Prince Charles Cinema) and wow. Jonathan Glazer and co-writer Jean-Claude Carrière spending all of pre-production re-writing the script without informing the studio… DP Harris Savides pushing the boundaries of underexposed film and getting the craziest deepest browns and purples out of Kodak stock… Alexandre Desplat starting with what seems like a very polite classical score and then gradually bringing in heavy synth bass… and of course Nicole Kidman throwing herself headlong into an insane role (and apparently bullying the producers for more $$$ when they finished under budget)
Nov 10, 2024
Because of the extensive tradition of pirate radio in the UK (from Radio Caroline on down), London probably has the most insane landscape of 24/7 internet radio in the world. I've tried to rank these in terms of approximate popularity ranging from NTS (as mentioned) on down to purely DIY weekend-only amateur collectives like LWSTD. If you don't know the stations in your city, just have a quick google and do some Instagram "Following" list exploration and it should be pretty easy to find more (e.g. in Amsterdam check out Echobox, Radio Tempo Não Pára, RRFM, etc...) - NTS (Dalston) - Rinse FM (Hoxton) - Worldwide FM (Islington) (currently mostly on ice but great archive) - Balaami (Peckham) - Soho Radio - Reprezent Radio (Brixton) - Netil Radio (Hackney) - Subtle Radio (Hackney) - Voices Radio (Kings Cross) - Aaja (Deptford) - Do You!! Radio (Hackney) - LWSTD
Apr 4, 2024
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The less you read about it (or look at maps) the better. Just enter via Haight Street, turn your phone off and wander 'til you reach the ocean. If you go on a Sunday afternoon and you didn't already come across it, proceed to turn your phone back on and track back to the 6th Avenue Skate Park to check out the roller disco party 🛼🔊😎
Mar 3, 2024