I fell out of my long-time habit of daily readings, but I’m enjoying the specialness of doing a longer reading surrounding major events or emotions. Reading every day can start to make the magic feel mundane, and I prefer to make the mundane feel magic.
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Mar 12, 2024

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I started a practice this year of pulling a tarot card every morning, using prompts I write for myself each month, considering what’s on my schedule, what phase the moon will be in, and so on. (A gift to future self) Then I’ll meditate on how I can implement the wisdom of that card into my day. It’s a good way to ground before stepping out into interacting with other humans. 
Dec 24, 2024
i just use a good ol mini rider-waite mini deck. i always have it with me when i can bc i feel more connected to it that way. i read similarly to you—i struggle with set spreads. i usually pull cards like “what is the thing i want to work on/what do i want?; how do i achieve it?; what skills should i focus on/foster to do so?” (the last two questions vary depending on the nature of the first.) i sometimes will pull an extra card or two for clarification but i’d like to believe my deck has a sense of humor so i try to let it do its own thing instead of coaxing an answer out. i don’t use cards in a fortune telling sort of way as i feel like part of our fortune is how we use lessons learned and our acquired emotional skillsets to navigate life…i’d rather focus on the things within my control and i tell this to others before i read them. when reading for others i think it’s important for the other person to pick their cards and/or shuffle the deck themselves. i also used to be in the habit of doing a reading for myself every new moon and taking notes about it, then revisiting the notes at the following full moon. i would like to get back into that, as my brain can turn to mush really fast and it’s really hard to stay focused on goals and aspirations or just make sense of my chaotic thoughts in general. reading gives me a sense of clarity and structure.
Oct 12, 2024

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is gig etiquette dead? Don’t go to a gig if you wanna just talk to your mates! go to a pub it’s what they’re for!
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