People underestimate the power of the olfactory when it comes to coaxing yourself to sleep. Melatonin has just given me schizo dreams so I started spritzing myself with a few calming fragrances right before bed and it really changed everything. Not only is it a totally decadent and regal thing to do, it really does help you go to sleep. I go for Le Labo Ylang if I'm feeling really bougie but otherwise I'll do a dupe of Tom Ford Ombré Leather or Lust by Lush. Speaking of Lush, solid perfumes are EXCELLENT for this as they smell great, last a long time, and it can take years to run out.
Mar 12, 2024

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Different scents for different dreams
Jan 23, 2024
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my favourite perfume - Jasmine, Ylang Ylang, Rose, Sandalwood. I love Jasmine and Rose so much, and I love how Jasmine can smell kind of gross. This perfume smells really different on different people and I always inexplicably think it smells like paper on me and I smell like an old library that someones left old flowers a bit too long in in a good way. It’s the perfume my bf thinks now smells of me. It’s affordable! But it stains my skin and any light clothing red/orange so I have to be careful with it. I also wear: M&S warm neroli - casual daytime. Neroli, bergamot, musk. Feels quite meditative. Blue and Shay Atropa Belladonna or Black Tulip - Both heady florals. The belladonna is sweeter than I’d buy myself but it was a gift and I wear it occasionally. The black tulip to me smells again like old flowers (although others have said it smells fresh so maybe I’m just weird). I generally prefer to smell a bit old and rotten than fresh and bright. i recently discovered Cherry Smoke by Tom Ford and I’ve fallen in love. I’ve been wearing it as my nighttime scent. Cherry, smoked wood, apricot, leather, olive. It’s sweet but smokey like a Manhattan. it’s sexy as FUCK. But I absolutely cannot afford it once this tester runs out so it’s a flash in the pan love affair. In terms of other scents - my laundry is always lavender cause wool moths don’t like it, and I usually always buy rose or jasmine scented body wash, but atm it’s a huge bar of pomegranate soap that caskeyc got me for Christmas, and I like to burn sandalwood or jasmine in my room.
Apr 6, 2024
Obsessed with perfume. For a while I was searching for a signature scent, but then the hunt just became too much fun, and now I’ve ended up with a full on vanity tray in my bathroom piled with a different smell for every mood. I used to wear only China Rain, a rollerball scent my mom got me in high school from a perfumery in LA called Spiritbody. I still have a bottle of that, but when I wear it I’m transported to a more insecure time lol. Right now I love Shadow in the Water from Diptyque for when I want to smell clean and romantic. I wear Smudge by Heretic almost every day because it’s colder out and it makes me feel so warm and cozy, like i’ve been sitting by a fire all day, and like I give good advice and paint landscapes. Perfume is definitely a splurge, but it lasts for so long, and I think it’s really special to have a beautiful scent that people can recognize you by. I am going to gatekeep my secret combination of Byredo perfumes that I wear constantly, and I’m sorry about that. It’s just too good and too me.
Dec 20, 2022

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I don't mean going to get groceries or Starbucks or something. I mean a bar or a movie or a diner-- places where you're expected to have company. Can either highlight some areas you need to improve psychologically or can make you feel totally sublime and alive
Jan 26, 2024
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I've become a pretty intense VHS collector over the last year and one of the great joys of this new hobby has been all of the good people online selling fanmade tapes of contemporary movies. They take the graphic design for the packaging VERY seriously and it's such a unique and lovingly made novelty item to have in your house. Plus they're actually playable and watching some straight-to-Netflix type shit with VHS grain makes you feel like you've stepped through a portal to another world. I think the hyperrealness of 4K HD we're all subject to is evil and everyone should have a VCR.
Jan 22, 2024
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I spent MANY years hunting for the perfect sunscreen-scented perfume and this is the one to beat. I’ve tried everything there is– Margiela Beach Walk is nice but it has too much of a day-spa vibe, Vacation doesn’t last long enough and is too banana-heavy, and the CDG one is too gimmicky and not very wearable. Beach is that sharp, chemical, plasticky, Coppertone public waterpark smell that makes every single day feel like it might be the most perfect day of the entire summer. I spray it on myself on days where I feel like Chicago winter might actually kill me and it always fixes my mood
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