I used to hesitate to tell people my obscure interests. Heck it, unapologetically tell everyone about the things you love
Mar 12, 2024

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give your friends and family a pause from you begging them to love everything you love and find acceptance for your weirdness
Jan 24, 2024
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this is a phrase i saw on a sweatshirt someone was wearing at Gulbenkian park in Lisbon over the summer and i was like yo that is so me. whenever i have the tiniest inkling of a plan for the future or an idea for a project or a new crush i make sure to tell absolutely everyone i talk to. its 95% not a problem at all in my life. like i‘ll go to a family gathering and tell everyone about how i’m going to go to some university or program i’m simply PLANNING to apply to or i’ll kiss someone once and then tell everyone i’m in love. and when these things don’t work out they fade into oblivion soooo quickly and no one remembers and if they do it’s like so funny and cute that i acted like it was a sure thing. honestly let’s say it’s 100% not a problem in my life because i truly do not care about any of these so called failures or even the concept of failure itself at all.
Nov 8, 2024
Life is so much more fun when you let yourself express how much you love someone or something without reservations. Don’t half ass it. Tell strangers with cool outfits how much you love their style. Tell your friends how much you love their company. Share your favourite books and movies with randos online, and go into excruciating detail about why. Tell your mom about your favorite memories from growing up. Let your fondness fill up so much space within you and around you - the world feels so much more magical when you let yourself get excited about what’s in it.
Apr 27, 2024

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