Documentary about the very cursed production of the Island of Dr. Moreau (1996), which is famous for being one of Brando's last films. 98 minutes of batshit anecdotes and behind-the-scenes footage. If you like movie documentaries, this scratches a very specific itch.
Mar 12, 2024

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Is my favourite documentary in the world. Stylishly directed in black and white by Bennett Miller (best known for Capote and Moneyball), it circles around the magnificently exuberant existence of the playwright turned apple city tour guide Timothy "Speed" Levitch as he muses on the city of NY on and off his double decker bus. I have a tendency to let my frustrations of the world to clench my muscles up and this is the film equivalent of a lump of mdma to melt my heart back open again with every rewatch. A poet can have an intense love affair with a bridge and a great poet can word it in a way that convinces you that they're not mad; or that even if they are, they are mad in the exact way life is supposed to be experienced in the first place. A must-see for anyone who holds a warm spot in their heart for the insomniac city, or at least what it once could be through the eyes of an intensely intuned romantic eccentric.
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This NYT piece from last year explains why it’s actually a Good and Normal thing to do. I used to have like six in the bed at once but recently culled my crew to two practical ones: this sleeping Charmander plushie, which I hug while I’m in the fetal position, and an Ugly Doll I put between my knees because it’s nice and flat. They're so comfy and I fall asleep in 30 seconds like this (also they’re cute and I love them)
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I can’t be stopped lol
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in Chrome is going to settings --> privacy and security --> site settings --> JavaScript. Under "not allowed to use JavaScript" add the sites you want to access. This is the only trick I've found that works 100% of the time. Video players and widgets that use JavaScript won't work of course but if you want to read something without a pop-up telling you to turn off your adblocker followed by another pop-up saying you've reached your article limit this will do it.
Feb 15, 2024