oldie but new to me
Mar 12, 2024

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Shortly after moving to New York I read (and re-read) Rem Koolhaas’ Delirious New York. He wrote it as a retroactive manifesto for the city that needed one and didn’t have one, but to me it reads like this really poetic and at times existential critique of the absurdity of NYC. The scale, the numbers and statistics, the unprecedented “grid”, why the city is the way it is, what lie beneath, and so on. Dave and I work in historic building restoration and getting to see the intricate inner-workings of how these old wooden structures are built is both deeply fascinating and horrifying.
Dec 11, 2023
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this rabbit hole started when I accidently found a very cool bedframe on pinterest. it looked vaguely andry warhole esque and I clicked on the source link. which led me to a 2003 blog post. the post (very boringly) discussed the importance of infrustructure in 3rd world countries and suggested that descions that were made to build more housing in India were actually very cool and could be applied in big cities like New York. i couldn't exactly pinpoint when the movement of urban nomads started, but it does have a very prominent figure -- Victor Papanek. he was an industrial designer from Austria and he dedicated all his life to building stuff for people. he quite literally has a book titled "Design for the Real World". Papanek loved cubes. he has a series of drawings (1 & 2) about different cubes for a person to live in. it's actually kinda cool and does remind me of those NYC aparments I see on tiktok. right now there are a lot of insallations that fall under the term urban nomads. for example, here's a shopping cart in which you can live. before i end this post here's a modular playground he made that could be transported anywhere that's all, see ya!
May 17, 2024
buildings are sentient and evil MF, if ykyk. Associated by a tangent only but there’s a great essay by Kenneth Frampton (towards critical regionalism) about what postmodern architecture is reg. the flattening and fracturing of deconstructionism and monoculturalism.
Jan 16, 2025

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