Deodorant you only have to use every 4 days??!!? I can’t recommend this enough. it doesn’t smell of anything and it just kills the bacteria that create the smell. its the only natural deo thats ever worked for me, and it almost actively promotes being gross cause you aren’t supposed to wash it off between applications. also means you just smell of your perfume instead of deodorant.
I’ve rec’d it before and I’ll rec it again! It smells of nothing, you only have to apply it every few days. It actually works. I’ve been using it for years now! Just kills the bacteria so you don’t smell, rather than covering it up.
I used to be envious of people who had “MySpace friends” or “tumblr friends”. Now I have PI.FYI friends. Thank you capyboppy for your lovely letter and this illustration of a capybara and a mouse with fruit on our heads, it made me weirdly emotional ❤️