Literally in my backyard (and I think I possibly have a grass allergy that was undiscovered until now because where I grew up there just wasn’t a lot of grass) but also metaphorically.
I moved to a cozy home in a beautiful walkable neighborhood and I’ve been enjoying strolling around and meeting so many neighborhood woodland critters—I just learned where Mr. Groundhog lives (at the base of a big tree in the woods behind my house)! On Saturday I found a dead squirrel in my backyard that seemed to have been killed by a bird of prey :( he was also my friend he was uniquely chunky and I loved watching him scurry around. My favorite mother deer has been hopping the fence and jumping into my yard to take naps and munch at the grass, vines, and hostas and I’m honored to have her as an esteemed guest.
I’m meticulously and slowly planning what color and fabric of curtains I want to buy for every room which is such a process. I’ve never had so many windows before and curtains are one of my absolute favorite interior design elements so I’m overwhelmed but overjoyed. it’s also VERY nice to finally have my own dedicated office space to work in again. Having a basement is WEIRD but not as creepy as I expected.
I’ve been regularly frequenting my neighborhood artisan bakery and tiny old indie movie theater and buying peaches by the crateful at the farmer’s market. I’m trying to cut back on sugar and have once again grown bored with alcohol so I’m rawdogging life despite recent legalization in my state because SWIM is now prone to extreme greenout panic attacks 💔 I’m doing a lot of somatic yoga which I greatly enjoy… and I take SO many hot baths.
I’ve also been doing some controversial new tactics with my hair which I’ll post about soon and I’m due for another salon appointment… or overdue you could say but I always like to wait to see how the tones fade and blend with my roots almost more than I like the fresh color… the chiaroscuro of it all! my fiery red hair has faded to a caramel tortoiseshell and I’m kind of obsessed so I want to play off of that next time and get a Jane Birkin inspired cut. I’m ready for bangs again!!!
I switched Benny and Bunny from their previous frozen raw foods to Steve’s Real Food—I love the ingredients they use and their complete transparency about the farms they source them from! Benny and Bunny’s coats look so much healthier + I think they like eating it more 🤔 my relationship with Benny has dramatically improved and I don’t know if it’s that he just loves living in a more spacious house with a backyard or if it’s because he’s grown up, but likely a combination of both.
I’ve recorded two episodes of my new podcast Gilded with nunjournal my dear friend of 15+ years and once our third episode is complete we’re going to release them all at once then transition to a biweekly schedule!
And last week I was unanimously elected to serve as the vice chair of an internal consultancy group I’m in at work which is the pet project of executive leadership for strategic future growth of the company so that’s kind of a slay… I’m leading my first subcommittee meeting on Wednesday I’m nervous but tickled pink. that’s about it thanks for reading this characteristically overly long post! :~)