i've had this in my watchlist for the longest time and couldn't find a rip of it anywhere, but luckily it's available on mubi italy! a dark comedy about the worst people in the world that slowly turns into a character study of narcissism; also a pretty quick watch (only an hour and 30 mins). would recommend checking this out! also if anybody wants to be mutuals on letterboxd my user is @/veggiedumpling
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Mar 14, 2024

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fantastic documentary i watched on mubi last night. the director just followed around his autistic cousin and his family for one summer. his cousin is obsessed with the show survivor and ends every day recounting his day in the form of an episode of survivor, voting off whichever sibling of his that was being to him that day. it’s a beautiful portrait of this family and the camera never gets in the way of how these people act around each other. everything is told so authentically and honestly and captures what it’s like to have/live with autism beautifully. it’s also so so so funny. anyone who has siblings know the vibes of this movie automatically. i adored it and would highly recommend it. it’s only an hour long too!!
Feb 20, 2024
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(maybe spoilers!$) I saw this movie last night. I wasn’t expecting surrealist cinema with this one so it surprised me in a really pleasent way. Luca really knows how to move the camera and even tho it wasn’t as flashy as challengers it’s amazing how his hand guides you through the scenes. in a movie with a lot of confusing scenes and weird symbolic, oniric secuences you never feel abandoned. I liked the theme of becoming one with someone else. and how that is a spiritual pursuit in a way. it’s also trying to say that we are all ready one with everybody and the universe, but very subtly. Like with all good surrealist art, dreams and trips have real power and meaning, and even tho I didnt understand everything I think in these type of movies is better to just experience it like a dream. i have never read anything by boroughs or the beat generation but I know about the bc they lived in my city in the 50s. shoutout México city. And I know that boroughs killed his Mexican wife here. Now I really want to read the novel or something by him but there’s to much shit to read. Overall a good experience and a good movie. Recommended if you like weird but beautiful movies!!!!!
Dec 18, 2024
here are some lgbtq+ films i have seen recently, some i liked more, some i liked less but most of them left a lasting impression on me which i think is great. here they are: - kokomo city (usa, 2023) (if you were to watch only one of these please watch this one) - peafowl (south korea, 2022) - elephant (poland, 2022) - fireworks (italy, 2023) - without air (hungary, 2023)
Apr 16, 2024

Top Recs from @veggiedumpling

well-written article analyzing cronenburg's films and contrasting them with today's sexual politics and lack of eroticism. passage i enjoyed: In fact, we are not impermeable packages of preformed desires, importing our likes and dislikes around with us from one encounter to the next like papers in a briefcase. An erotic craving is inextricable from the ferment that foams up when oneself is sluiced into another. Not only is it impossible for us to know whether an encounter will be deflating or transformative but we cannot know what sort of metamorphosis will ensue if the sex is as jarring as we can only hope it will be. 
Feb 19, 2024
and marvel at the progress you've made. im reading my old journal entries and i was actually a mess, but i've grown so much in a year :) always love and appreciate your old self because she's still within you
Apr 2, 2024