I love going out on Thursday nights it’s like a little treat for almost making it through the week. Sometimes I just go out on Thursday nights and skip the weekend if there isn't anything exciting happening.
Make your weekend feel longer by doing something on a Friday after work. This can be anything from a dinner with a friend, a movie by yourself or just a mooch about the shops. Get out for 2-3 hours after work to extend your weekend rather than rot away the night on the couch after a long week.
so much to talk about, the sunglasses, the scarf, the fresh baguette and coffee, the always lovely cafe setting. I think this is the most swag ever captured on camera I aspire to be at this level
alright hear me out: carbonation and coffee with a squeeze of orange shouldn’t work, but it does. Been making them daily and i feel a lot better in the morning each time i do