What a resource… At any given time I will have several Wiki tabs open. At the moment, I’m reading articles on Boethius, POSIWID, Counting Cards and the Cornball Express (Roller Coaster). Admittedly, I have never donated a dime to this site.
Really a picture of where my mind is. Last night when I was supposed to be falling asleep I was thinking about a certain HRO post that I could not find and was delusionally hoping it would be mentioned on its Wikipedia page but of course the page is shamefully skeletal.
Thinking about the Food Babe and her consequences because she‘s randomly mentioned on the cover of the 2024 annual print issue of Evie the demented propaganda rag (which we will discuss in the next episode of Gilded)? Just thinking a lot as always but Wikipedia clearly hasn’t factored too heavily into that thinking as of late…
Last Thursday, a meteor appeared in the night sky over Los Angeles. I stood in place for 30 seconds watching it blaze brilliant red and orange before fizzling out suddenly. The experience moved me immensely and filled me with a sense of hope that I hadn’t felt in quite some time. I read later that it was a SpaceX satellite. I wish I hadn’t.
There's something about a wet and humid early morning that heals my soul. It's like a free sound bath. Especially if you are lucky and have a little bit of thunder alongside.