I’ve quit at least 4 horrible jobs/contracts without something immediately lined up (that I can think of off the top of my head). And wow every time that was the best decision for me each and every time and I never looked back. Granted I’ve otherwise had long tenure at jobs and was lucky enough to either find another opportunity right away (in one case quit before hearing back about an interview the previous day, which I did end up getting) or I was financially prepared to be unemployed. As others have said, definitely consider that you’re trading daily misery + salary, health care, stability, stuff to do with your day for no misery + logistical challenges. But if you are prepared to deal with job searching or just supporting yourself for a bit from your savings while you get on your feet, pls pls pls leave a job that is making you miserable and has no chance of getting any better (burnout is often defined as being in a situation where you have some combination of no upward mobility, continued frustration from the same sources, and endless work all without signs that it’ll get better, so look out for the signs). Man this rec is giving me the ole itch again (current job is pretty bad in a lot of ways, but not quite “leave immediately” status and I do need a salary + healthcare after a long unemployment period last year 😿).
Mar 15, 2024

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just because it’s a dead end job, it doesn’t mean you gotta die there 🤔 think of it more as the wrong path in the capitalistic maze called surviving in the usa. even if you have to make a lateral move to another similar dumb job, the change of scenery and personnel can really be refreshing, and if new job sucks you can just quit and do it all over again…
Nov 20, 2023
Historically, I’ve always chosen flight over fight in most scenarios: I’ve quit several toxic jobs <6 months in, am usually the person to end a serious relationship, and have moved cities a few times. Right now, though, I’m in a period where I’m trying to reset my mindset and stick with things through the initial signs of discomfort (currently feeling that way in all big aspects of my life: job that kinda sucks a few months in, rough patches in my live-in relationship, and just generally feeling meh about living in New York FT). Still very much in the thick of it, but my strategy is to just take each day as it comes and reframe discomfort and uncertainty as necessary parts of life and not things to just flee at the first signs.
Mar 6, 2024
I just put in my notice this week! There's no better feeling than leaving a bad situation. It's like getting a regenerative phoenix moment after you've burnt out (hopefully you can avoid getting to that point). When I have left jobs in the past, I had a new thing lined up, but in another, I had no real plan whatsoever. Admittedly in that case, I had saved up enough to wing it for a bit, so it depends on your situation. For what it's worth, I have only ever regretted leaving one job, and I only left it because another place promised me more money.
Mar 15, 2024

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