Most helpful theclack
Kindest commenter sloane_shark
Most supportive nikau
Most interesting rec giver lucius
Biggest cutie, most likely to be my best friend etc caskeyc
loosest cannon: jakeburns
god's strongest re-rec warrior: lucius
nichest recs: roseplantqueen
best art recs: sofi
best music recs: aidanaguirre riotgrrrl graceolivia
best asks: segronich & theclack
coolest people on this entire site: anyone who joined PI.BKCLB 🫶🏻🫶🏻
This is my little spoiled goognik (made-up word meaning a goofy, cute troublemaker) being a loaf. Best thing about her is mental health support, and another soul whose existence gives more colour to my own.
I used to be envious of people who had “MySpace friends” or “tumblr friends”. Now I have PI.FYI friends. Thank you capyboppy for your lovely letter and this illustration of a capybara and a mouse with fruit on our heads, it made me weirdly emotional ❤️