literally get used to running so slow that it feels wrong. beginners tend to run too fast because they think that’s what is required to improve, but that could not be further from the truth! slow runs are the best way to build up aerobic fitness at the beginning. once your body gets used to running more often you can incorporate some faster runs or intervals, but for now just run at a pace that feels enjoyable even if it feels super slow. i also found running for time is more encouraging than for distance (i.e. set a timer for 20 minutes of running instead of x number of miles). run in nature or with friends, listen to your favourite playlist or podcast, and of course be patient. it takes time to start enjoying running but once you do you will never regret starting :)
Mar 15, 2024

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invest in some good shoes, throw on literally any shirt + pant/short combo, find a good running playlist and try and find some comfortable wireless headphones and just get out there. run a trail, or just around the block. don't even run fast, run as slow as you want but just try not to walk for the entire run. log your progress on your chosen app. try and run every week but don't feel bad if you miss a week, just make sure to run even harder the next time you get out. stretch before (dynamic) and after (static) your run and learn proper form (eg. how to hold your arms, where your foot should be striking the floor, posture, etc.) to avoid injuries.
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The way I motivate myself to run is by telling myself I can ONLY do something I want/need to do if I go on a run (even a short one). For example I only listen to my favorite podcast when I’m running. Or when I need to shower, I tell myself I can only shower if I go on a quick 20min run around my neighborhood and get a little sweaty first. I only listen to my running playlist (all my favorite songs that are ~60bpm, which is my exact running pace) when I run. Try out a bunch of different paired habits (music, podcast, just listening to your own breath and thinking) to see what works best. One size does not fit all! Lastly, when I first started out, I could only run sans headphones/music/podcast etc. i ran silently listening to my breathing, and I think it helped me figure out what my natural pace was. When I could hear myself huffing and puffing, I’d know to slow down. It took at least a year of getting in tune w my body this way before I could listen to anything for fun. i know that kind of cancels out the recs above BUT like I said, you might want to try all of these and see what fits for you ♥️
Mar 16, 2024
I’m not really a fan rn because marathon training has been hell but it’s a good time to ponder and reflect on anything (triathlons dont let you wear headphones so i go no music sometimes). Definitely try going on scenic routes and change it up every now and then, treadmills feel better for your legs but it’s such a boring run not having anything to look at. Tbh running isnt for everyone either, I have way more fun and look forward to a good swim or bike ride, and thats ok! Shoutout to everyone who enjoys running though, i wish i was you!
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