My last break up left me feeling super neglected so I got together with a friend and we went to the beach together. I cooked for us and she drove. We spent the day there and it was just so nice to be under the sun and to feel the wind on my face and under my dress. I pretended to be a middle-age divorcé who leaves her family to feel young and free again by the beach, smoke, read, drink, dance, and flirt with hotties. None of that happened ofc, we just went to the beach and ate home-made burgers, but having a friend to entertain my delusion and hang out at the beach was equally as healing. I will bever forget that day
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Mar 16, 2024

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New follower? OOP! Does that men we're getting married? You re-rec'd me? You want me so bad let's make out. The baddies wanna be mutuals? What if I cum about it? Much to consider... PI.FYI dating-app mode when???
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