that’s such a horrible place to be stuck in… if you’re needing an analog diversion, maybe try a low effort craft? collaging has been a favorite of mine cuz i can turn off my verbal brain but it’s still stimulating enough to keep me engaged. i’ve also really enjoyed cozy/casual games on my switch cuz they’re distracting but not too hard either nothing gets me out of a funk better than talking to another human though... maybe facetime a friend to talk about nothing for a bit stretching while watching a show or listening to a podcast… wakes the body up and keeps the scary thoughts at bay
Mar 17, 2024

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recommend this just like, in general bc although it’s not the most meaningful use of my time it’s SO fun. have done this before mid-post meltdown/panic attack and my god does it do a good job at 1) distracting you, and 2) making your nervous system realise you’re actually not about to be swallowed by a whale. my go to is the Upstairs Neighbours podcast (!!!) and games like Super Mario 3D World, Zelda Breath of the Wild, etc. (if you’re not a video game person the bottom line of this is: doing multiple things that you enjoy so you don’t have space in your brain to spiral and instead realise that there are still things left to make you happy despite whatever’s making you anxious. good luck!!)
Feb 7, 2025
im sorry to hear you're in it. a lot of the suggestions ive seen are great - for me really using my body (long bike ride, hike, weightlift, whatever) really shakes me out of a rut. i really struggle with the rest and play thing. so many activities feel resting but arent (like Scrolling). Sometimes video games and making stuff feel forced, they arent actually play. What activities are truly playful - within themselves - for you? Trampolines always bring that out of me. Sometimes its low stakes card games with my friends. No expectations or goals. Wishing you well.
Apr 6, 2024
I'm kind of in the same situation, I recognise that especially social media are really bad for my mental health, and being a highly sensitive person, my brain cannot sustain that kind of constant bombardment of visual stimuli. I believe being cronically online is a way of maybe find a distraction from my emotions. So here's what I'm trying to do: I just try to be as creative as I can be. Whether it's sketching with a pencil, discovering new music, gardening (even buying a little plant that doesen't need extreme maintainance can do!), and lastly I very much reccomend trying penpaling. You can search for a penpal, start to build a connection and then when you both feel like it, exchange adresses and start sending letters to eachother. You can write how you are feeling, create little surprises, go out to search for magnets or postcards or stickers! It's really nice because once you concentrate on putting together a letter and therefore you are putting the effort to deliver to a friend something great, they will do the same. It makes me feel really good and seen and cared for, and I'm able to do the same and occupy my time for something nice. :)
Jul 29, 2024

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