Came across this site while looking for more pics + info on Howard Finster’s Paradise Garden and hit a goldmine of outsider/folk art archives! Lots of good stuff around Chicago too bc the guy (Bill Swislow) who runs the site is on the board of the Intuit Center! Fun to just click around… so many little gems to discover!
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Mar 17, 2024

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If you're into surreal art that hits different, you’ve gotta check out Peter Birkhäuser’s work on this site: https://doorofperception.com/2022/07/peter-birkhauser/. It’s like stepping into a dream world mixed with a mind-bending episode of Twin Peaks. His art is stunningly trippy, packed with symbols and vibes from his Jungian journey - think mystical meets psychological, with a touch of raw intimate depth. The site itself is like an online art exhibit - Birkhäuser’s most famous pieces are blown up in big, gorgeous format so you can catch every wild detail.
The majority of art in my house is outsider art. Self taught work makes me believe in art, whereas most contemporary work makes me question that belief. You can get affordable, wonderful work from Creativity Explored in San Francisco. They will ship from their online store, but the best is to go there in person. You can flip through thousands of works in the flat files and you can meet the artists. They also have ceramics. Some iconic outsider artists that I love - for all of you God posters, look into B.F. Perkins. Mose Tolliver paintings on wood are true genius. Marcia Weber Art Objects is a good source - also a great place to visit in person. My husband and I did a road trip to her gallery in Alabama and started in New Orleans - take the back roads not the main highways, it’s longer but it's worth it. Speaking of New Orleans, it's a great place to look for Hatian vodou flags - sequined, hauntingly beautiful and mysterious.
Feb 10, 2022
so much art to get lost in for an afternoon 🖼️ bonus points for Ferris Bueller
Jul 3, 2024

Top Recs from @bashfulchicken

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Currently have three full pages in my notebook! I guess some might call this a gratitude journal LOL but it’s different when I do it.  My brother was telling me about this phenomenon called “target fixation”. It’s a panic reflex that happens when motorcyclists become fixated on a singular object, obstacle, hazard (e.g. a sharp curve on a winding road) and they will unconsciously steer in the direction of the thing they’re trying to avoid because their hands follow their gaze which leads to accidents.  You will follow your gaze so be aware of where you’re looking. Train yourself to seek out pleasure and appreciation! Understanding where + what you derive pleasure from increases your capacity to enjoy things which in turn makes you a more interesting person (imo). I think it’s just as important self-knowledge as understanding your triggers/trauma. It is a daily willingness to be transformed by small things. Sorry for lecturing but I want good things for all of you. Xoxo, meg
Mar 29, 2024