movie game is my favourite way to decide what to watch with a group. it’s best played with a big dvd collection but works for streaming too. everyone gets thirty seconds to pick two available movies. we put the chosen dvd boxes or a piece of paper with the movie name on the table. then there’s an elimination round: after a five second countdown everyone simultaneously chooses a movie to veto by touching a movie box/name. if there’s still a bunch of movies you can do a second veto round. then it’s the voting round. another five second countdown then everyone touches the movie they want to watch. the movie with the most votes wins and thats what we watch
Mar 17, 2024

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my husband and i have a white board on the fridge where we keep a list going of twenty movies that we want to watch. when it's time to watch a movie we roll a twenty-sided die and watch whatever number it is. then we alternate filling the spot we emptied. it's complex but it's eliminated hours worth of discussions about what we should watch.
Apr 18, 2024
an online vs. game where you flex your knowledge of movie actors / writers / directors / etc. you pick a movie, then your opponent has to pick another movie with a shared actor*, then you do the same, and so on. deceptively simple but so fun, and amazing in a group setting where you and your friends can combine all your cinema braincells together. genuinely an extremely deep competitive game as games go too - there are so many different ways to be good at it. maybe you’re the guy who takes everyone to bollywood and then kills them. maybe you’re the guy that tries to get nicholas braun so you can destroy millenials who don’t know anything about disney channel original movies. maybe you just watch every fucking movie that comes out as it comes out and can beat people with movies that came out like, last week. highly recommend for cinephiles and gamers alike
Feb 15, 2025
very classic but i simply like the process of deciding what to watch, watch it and reviewing afterwards.
Sep 2, 2024

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