Spend your nights anxious about which way the town is going? Actually do something to change it! Being in the US right now, I feel sometimes powerless to all the shit politicians/ corporations/ etc. are pulling. However, the only way to beat that terrible feeling is to actually do the work to make the world a better place. By being involved in local government/ groups/ initiatives, even if it’s super annoying and reeks of bureaucracy, you can at least say you tried. There’s also the benefit of meeting people who also care about things (like increasing arts funding or whatever) and probably share other interests too.
Mar 18, 2024

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Now more than ever we gotta show up for the causes we care about!!! Online reposting and presence is good but it doesn't get the full job done unless we show up and show out!!!! Show up to your city/town hall meetings and be an active participant if you are able, bc if we don't speak IRL we don't exist
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Life sucks way less when you’re not making yourself do it alone actually. Also, this doesn’t mean commenting on people’s tiktoks or whatever (although of course those places have the capacity for creating meaning), actually go out and engage with the things you’re passionate about it’s so worth it
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Top Recs from @clownanarchist

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Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown (already have a post about it), La CĂ©rĂ©monie (Masterful. Also has Isabelle Huppert so
), TĂĄr (You will find this extremely entertaining/funny or super boring. About the ego of semi-real Lydia TĂĄr/ the creative), Party Girl (Not good. Last half is kind of terrible. Just felt represented as someone who’s both a Librarian and really big into Nightlife. Great Outfits.)
Mar 22, 2024
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It’s free and brought my overall anxiety down. After spending all my hours in front of a screen (work or voluntary), it’s nice to be apart of something bigger, fresher, and that’s actually beautiful. It’s also nice to bring my friends along for morning hikes because it bonds us outside of usual nightlife stuff or things where we don’t have to talk to each other. More accessible activities (for people who don’t conveniently live somewhere where mountain bike tourism is a real thing) includes waking up super early and also doing yoga. I usually wake up at sunrise which gives me a bunch of free time (for half a year).
Mar 19, 2024
I remember the feeling as a child being confused what my parents actually do at work all day. That feeling of not knowing has now transferred to my friends. Getting to read their resumĂ© is like a form of hearing their life story including all the niche, cool things they’ve done but weirdly never mentioned
Mar 26, 2024