You don’t need tik tok and twitters fire hose of info. You don’t need to see sponsored memes on Insta. You don’t need… your aunt’s take on politics from Facebook. Get off. Start with “weekends only” if you have to. They are a net drain on your life.
I used to spend like 5+ hours a day on twitter and what I found helped me get it down was deleting it off my phone and only looking at it on my computer. Helped me cut down on time without cutting of completely cause there is still stuff I like about the app.
Try talking to someone without “oh yeah, when something similar happened to me…” or “that reminds me of [me story]” Or “I totally understand because I…” - It’s hard, but worth trying
Lurking + Learning. Noticed I am posting every day. Not sure we all have enough cool recs to be posting constantly without trying too hard. Don’t want to turn this place into another “look at me!” platform. Here’s to the value of quiet lurking & learning