Today I was thinking: why am I so much better at supporting others than I am to myself?? We really need to support ourselves! "Show how you think, show you can see an idea through, and keep doing it until you can no longer be ignored." Some really good advice if you are an "aspiring" creative to which Jess Wheeler says bollocks! (*vigorous nodding*)  "The reason I dislike the term ‘aspiring creative’ is because there’s no such thing. Either you are or you aren’t. Creative people make stuff. That’s what makes us creative. We take a nothing and turn it into something. That’s our special skill. You don’t need permission to be creative. You don’t need a job, or a client, or a brief, or a degree, you just NEED TO CREATE." 💰💰💰
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Mar 20, 2024

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1. inspiration: travel, meet new people, read books, watch movies/series, take chances (=experience new things!)→ this will help you find new inspiration which in turn will make you want to create✈️❤️‍🩹🌅🚞💏 2. creation: with your new inspiration you can now create!🎞️🎧🖼️🌷it is important to keep on creating (even on days when you know nothing good will come out of it) → doing your craft often will make you more comfortable with your craft and build your confidence 3. experimentation: once you've done it enough times (creating) you'll have built enough confidence to experiment and try new techniques and styles → when said experimentation goes well your confidence will slowly grow🌷🐌💐🪷🌻🌹 4. collaboration: meet others and create together! collective creative work is so fulfilling and great for building confidence and skill 💂🏾🧑🏼‍💼👨🏿‍⚖️🧝🏿‍♀️👨🏼‍💼👩🏼‍🎤 this is my take on building creative confidence:) i hope this helps🌹
Apr 19, 2024
i've been thinking about possibilities and how they are truly endless once they are supported by unwavering belief. i can't count the amount of times i've held myself back, or got in my own way because I didn't fully believe i was capable or had this preconceived notion in my head of what is expected from me i'm realising now that this way of thinking towards any creative endeavour can be really negative, to the point i won't even create at all because i've psyched myself out! im combatting this by being more curious about EVERYTHING, consuming media more mindfully, pushing myself to experiment more without the fear of fucking up or looking silly because at least i know im trying! and all we can do is try!
Sep 23, 2024
I think a big hurdle with creative stuff (especially in the age of social media) is the pressure to constantly create something great and to post about it. It's healthy to acknowledge that just because you're making something doesn't mean you need to commodify it or even share it publicly at all. When I was in the early stages of things, I really wasn't ready to open it up to judgement or critique. I think that would have dissuaded me from it entirely. Even accomplished artists that have made a living off of their work still have to make "bad" pieces from time to time, and it's ok to take time to find your voice and what you enjoy making. Critique groups are a valuable thing and often very positive, but if you need to incubate your ideas within your close circles for a while, do that! Also, I'm recovering from a migraine, so I don't know if any of this is coherent ✌️
Feb 15, 2024

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The puffin is the latest addition to more than 180 known species—many of them sharks, corals, and other marine animals—that emit a luminous glow. The fact that so many marine animals biofluoresce "tells us organisms are using light in ways we don't even see," John Sparks, curator of fishes at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City.
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I read that happiness is when your expectations falls below the reality. A new mind project for April. Good prognosis.
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