sometimes when i'm feeling extra awful i'll sit back and watch a playthrough of this on youtube (linked). i spent hours upon hours on this game as a kiddo. it's a super simple computer game (as most 90's kid's games were i think) but the richard scarry universe has so much charm!! 100% getting something from here tattooed someday
Mar 20, 2024

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I fell for the advertising for this as a kid and it ended up under the tree one christmas. It's a game where you watch TV and hang out with a Pikachu, talk to Pokemon, go out in the world. A life sim, maybe? Who knows. It's slow and meandering but I loved it, spent hours in the in-game paint tool and named my Pikachu "Bruce" after my favorite stuffed animal at the time. I've revisited it throughout the years; showed it to my niece who enjoyed it and would pester me to put it in the Wii when I babysat her when I was a teen as well as through emulation as an adult. It's chill and calm, a weird blip on the Pokemon timeline.
Jul 16, 2024
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This was on my grandparents' Macintosh. It is not a good game. But the art style and frustrating gameplay is lodged in my brain. I do find the premise hilarious. The character you control is bound to a swivel chair and can only scoot around lol Here's a let's play for an example of gameplay. Shout out to Ambrosia software. Integral to my childhood video game nostalgia.
Jan 17, 2025
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not too long ago, I made a list going of all the PC games I could recall playing as a kid. I wanted to relive those precious afternoons I spent losing track of time in the computer lab of my public library. I recently found one of my favs, Pajama Sam: No Need to Hide When It's Dark Outside (1996) on Steam. playing it as an adult brought me so much joy, I can't even tell you. and the reviews on Steam made me smile so much, especially the one below (hilarious). I also realized that Pajama Sam is voiced by Pamela Adlon (Spinelli Recess, Bobby King of the Hill, etc.) which is cool af. so go find those games you used to play & travel back in time! I was shocked with how much I remembered. plus there's nothing like hearing those 90's sound FX, they just don't make em like that anymore. :')
Sep 23, 2024

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