anyone else feel like they can feel their brain buzzing with energy while doing something super engaging?? i feel like i get this the most while doing something creative thats rly outside the box for me.
Feeling a little excited and anxious and then you finally give in and realize you are just experiencing…happiness? And it’s not that scary to just let yourself feel happy And you don’t need to pathologize feeling joy??
was tired and sleepy for the past couple of hours and then outta nowhere…BAM! I AM AN ENERGY POWERHOUSE.
idk what sort of chemical imbalance is taking place inside my brain rn, but i’m gonna ride this wave.
LET’S GO!! 🏃🏃
I’m on an instagram break plus I like you guys more so please enjoy this painting I am proud of. Referencing Bosch‘s garden of earthly delights, specifically the third “Hell” panel ❤️🔥 acrylic and gouache on raw canvas!